Thursday, January 19, 2017

Beginning Ten

Part One

Another in the series using scales stencils.  I did a time lapse video of this painting and posted on Instagram.  (You'll have to tell me if you can view that.  I have no idea if the link will work.)
I think the fact that almost everything is neutral color keeps this from looking too busy.

A light wash of Burnt Umber is applied and allowed to dry.  Purple scales are added with a large stencil then warm grey is used for the smaller scales stencil.  Black marker for the marks along the right and left edges, then light grey is washed over much of the painting.

30 in 30 Blog.


  1. The link worked, and I LOVE the video. TOTALLY awesome to watch your work in progress. Your process and this painting inspire me!

    1. Awesome. Thank you for letting me know. Glad you enjoyed seeing it.
